Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's day!

So I get the impression that Valentine's Day is not a big deal here. I asked my boss and she's buying her husband chocolate..hmm that seems backwards to me!

It's been an entire day and I have not seen one candy heart, no chocolate, no flowers, no nothing. I am actually fairly okay with this....sounds like Hallmark hasn't done a proper job marketing in Paris. I, on the other hand, sent andrew this card via the internets this morning. I'm such a romantic.


Andrew Davison said...

Luckily I love Bacon :-)

Andrew Davison said...

Luckily I do love bacon ...

Ashleigh said...

I'm not a huge fan of all that v-day crap either. It's all so forced. It sounds like the French have it right!

ps. I love the card and I'm sure Andrew did too!