Thursday, November 24, 2011

Learning how to be an ExPat

I had an 'intercultural' training provided by work yesterday, which gave me about 1 million ideas for blog posts. It was an interesting day -- we had low expectations (thought it would be cheesy), but overall it was enjoyable and I learned a lot.

Some high-lights which are blog-worthy, but not post-worthy, include:
  • Ordering soda with a meal is frowned upon in France. French people believe you should either have water (sparkling is okay) because it is natural and doesn't hinder taste, or wine which enhances. The sweetness of coke overpowers flavor and is thus, unacceptable.
  • You should never cut your lettuce. Which is confusing to me when I have a big honking piece of iceberg lettuce on my plate. Instead, you must fold the lettuce (using your knife, maybe) and then eat. Also, you shouldn't cut eggs (and cheese? something else...) with a knife. They say you should cut it with the side of your fork.
  • Parisians/French generally go home afterwork. It is very unheard of to socialize during the week. Thus,  this explains the importance placed on socializing at the coffee machine or at lunch, as that is the only time to really 'connect' with your co-workers.
  • Did you know the French like wine? Because they really do. It was reiterated one nore time in the training. Once again, the trainer was impressed with my knowledge of the regions (thanks Andrea!).
Anywho, lots of interesting stuff which I'll share in the upcoming weeks. Most notably that 'France is a country of exceptions' which can be incredibly aggravating for us anglos. Anywho, hope everyone is having a super happy thanksgiving!!!!!! We're doing our Turkey in France tomorrow with some new friends...our Kitchen is getting it's first road test.



Ashleigh said...

Jenn had to do something similar when she arrived in Toronto (from the US!). They taught her that Canadians are sensitive folk and must be given feedback in the form of a sandwich...nice comment, constructive criticism, nice comment.

Lindsay C said...

Love it!! I'll try to the sandwich approach with asd in the future :-)

Unknown said...'re telling me that French people would be appalled that there are days I drink a diet dr. pepper and microwave sausage biscuits from a vending machine for breakfast. weird.

Unknown said...

then they would be apalled at my "lunches" of sugar wafers and diet dr. pepper

Natalie Corinne said...

freedom fries!