Food I miss from New York:
- Mexican food (mainly chipotle, let's be honest)
- Sushi (there's a ton here, but I haven't found a good place...or a cheap place)
- Thai Food (same as sushi comment)
- Indian Food (apparently hard to come by)
- Hamburgers (I'm on the prowl, I think I've found a good place. Can Shake Shack travel?)
We also made our own chips (yay deep frying!) and guac. One thing I've never understood is why Mexican food doesn't travel well the further you are from Mexico (even those from Cali/Texas would say the New York food isn't 'really' mexican food). We had this issue in Asia whilst travelling-- mexican food just didn't taste right and I did not get it. All of the ingredients exist, hell, all the ingredients in all mexican dishes are exactly the same, yet it doesn't taste the same in other countries. One of the world's biggest mysteries, right up there with stone henge and the pyramids to be sure :-)
I bet the Las Palmas franchise would love to speak with you about success opportunities. :)
Oh Las Palmas...Those chips are superb. What was the one that Leigh Ann worked at? Cozymel? THat can stay in Nashville.
Yes, Cozymel. I also worked at that FINE dining establishment during one of my 15 jobs of undergrad.
I will make you a box filled with Las Palmas...although they recently changed their menu
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