Props to the person who searched for "Josie Top Chef Bonita" on Google because my blog comes up #1.
Very exciting. I'd like to thank Andrew for being a devoted reader, Lauren, Charisse, and Ruthana for commending me on my "Excited Double Fist Pump" and Vicki for mentioning I should post it on the blog.
In other news, Marco [crazy guy from the Upenn class] sent our ENTIRE class an e-mail. I have copied it verbatim below. Enjoy.
Dear All,
I think that everyone come back to yours commitments...How are you? I enjoy you so much...even if you are american or english...or whatever.....ah, ah, ah........
My time with you it was so fun...that I sent you an attachment with an italian picture....
...I'mjoking....To be onest.....many times I tought of you in theese days and it seems to me that the time run out so fast from when we were together in Philly...Thank you to be friendly with me....I hope to keep in touch with you in the future....A lot of kisses, Marco
P.S.= I enjoy professor Raju.....
and for an added bonus, he sent us a picture he obviously drew on 'paint' of two hand flicking us off. Normal.
1 comment:
Hey, I'm not just an 'exicted double fist pump' congratulator...I'm a devoted reader too!!!!
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