Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Do you Google on Yahoo?

On the google blog recently, an official google blogger Michael Krantz tried to explain why they were in court protecting their trademark. Google is attempting to not allow, oh say the dictionary, to define google as a verb, i.e. to search for information on the internet. The link to his blog entry is here.

I found this interesting, because I do 'google.' And lucky for the company, I 'google' on But I guess some people don't [shame on them!] and that's why they are having the problem. Google claims that they don't want to fall by the wayside, like elevators, xerox, or kleenex and lose their trademark to the pits of 'genecerity.' [is that a real word?]

I don't have a huge problem with this and I see where they are coming from. But I think it may be too late. Their pesky lawyers can't stop the American [or global I guess] vernacular from embracing google and ultimately that's where the problem lies. If google is already defined in the dictionary, you're about a billion steps behind because Mr. Webster wouldn't waste his time with a word he didn't think would stick. Sorry, but fad words don't make it into the bible book of language. [psych!] They should have dealt with this issue a long time ago and now it's like stopping a snowball from growing while rolling down a hill.

Another thing that irks me is the actual blog entry. He was trying to be funny, but I think he came off as condescending. . .And frankly not very 'google-ish.' Google people should be funny, but defining a trademark? It just sounds like you think people are dumb [so maybe we are, but that's another story.] Also, I feel like they should have made fun of the lawyers more, that would be have made it like hey, it's not me, it's them. But maybe that's the problem--the line between the corporate, serious drones and the fun, laid-back google people has blurred. I guess it's hard to not be one of 'them' when you are company's net worth is $156 billion and you have a bajillion [don't know the exact amount, maybe I should google it] investors crawling down your back. Oh well, until their lawyer comes a knockin' I'll be googling.

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