I just don't understand it. It's a seemingly simple business model: Lots and lots of people take the train in the morning, so add more trains. Let me try to make you comprehend how crowded the train is in the morning, keeping in mind that I've been on my fair share of crowded trains--all over the boroughs of New York. First off, the wait for a Rush Hour train should be no more than 2 minutes. The average train on the L is probably 5-10, which doesn't seem like a lot but for a morning train it is. I could handle waiting the 5-10 minutes, if I was gauranteed to get on the train. However, 5-10 minutes is enough time for seemingly thousands of people to congregate on the tiny platform that is the Bedford L. Which means, if the train decides to stop {many trains are so full that they go express to Manhattan}, I can't get on. Which means average wait per train: 5-10 minutes, average trains go by I can't get on: 2. Which means I wait an average of 20-30 minutes for the bedford L in the morning, which is why I usually take the JMZ. Ridiculous. But there is one reason that I am starting to smile upon the Bedford L. . .
Meet Roxy. Our new kitten. She's about 8 weeks old {they think} and is cute as a button.

Where did I get her? Funny you should ask. I was minding my own business on the Bedford L {which I hate, see above} and this lady sits next to me holding the tiniest, cutest kitten you've ever seen {which I love}. Like a bug to a light, I immediately started petting her and asking questions about her. The lady, who admittedly was a bit skeezy, didn't have much to say about her other than she's trying to find her a home. Next thing I know, the kitten is on my lap and I've agreed to take her. I must give the sketch subway lady a bit of credit here: having me hold her and telling me that she's going to a foster home definitely brought out those motherly kitty emotions making me agree to the take her without fully thinking.
But the funnier part of the story comes with the fact that I am on the subway. Holding a Kitten. In a blanket. And I am supposed to meet my friend. Additionally, it's ironic that I was on the L {did I mention I hate the L?} So, I get off the subway just chillin' like I don't have a live feline in my arms. I guess it's NYC, people {myself included} see crazier things every day. However, I do not like being that quasi-crazy thing people are staring at. But I know they are staring at Roxy because she is cute, and not me because I am crazy {arguable}. Luckily, there's a PetCo in Union Square {I heart NY} and I got all I needed for Roxy {the One stop shop, gotta love Big Box Stores}.
And that's it! Now Andrew {boyfriend} and I are pet owners. Which is a little worrying, seeing as half the time we can't take care of ourselves. But we'll be okay. And now I guess I have a slightly fonder view of the Bedford L. slightly.
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