Tuesday, June 13, 2006

And then there was YAHTZEE. . .

Yes, Folks. Yesterday I saw someone on the subway playing Yahtzee. Electronic Yahtzee. I know you're saying, Lindsay, What? I didn't know Electronic Yahtzee existed! It's probably the inspiration for this blog. To let the world know that, Yes, Electronic Yahtzee Exists, and to be honest I'm not sure why.

I like REGULAR Yahtzee for a couple of reasons:
1) You get to throw dice. [Banging those little plastic squares around in a box is good fun. ]
2) You get to play against REAL PEOPLE. [So i'm a teensy bit competitive. Ok. A lot. ]
3) I like Math. [I'm a Math Nerd wannabe. Adding is fun. Put that on a t-shirt.]

Reasons no one should like Electronic Yahtzee:
1) You don't get to throw dice. [Dice in a plastic box is also good anger management!]
2) You don't play against real people. [Being social is good]
3) and you don't get to do Math. [Using your brain is also good]

I am a little worried about people like
http://www.epinions.com/content_30070640260. The fact that you could spend THAT LONG writing a review on epinions about electronic yahtzee is beyond me. [hmm the fact that i'm blogging about this? errrrrrrr uhhh]

To entertain myself on the subway, I prefer reading or if it's a particularly crowded subway day, just listening to my iPod. If I had to choose an electronic game of sorts, it would definitely be Tetris. My phone is ghetto so it doesn't have any games, however, my boyfriend just recently purchased the new RAZR phone which has Tetris. He claims he doesn't like his RAZR--Sure, it's super thin, the 'IT' phone, and has Vcast blah blah blah, BUT the RAZR's most redeeming quality is definitely TETRIS. I compare to Tetris to your first love, or that crush that got away. You can pretend you're over him [I swear I'm not addicted] and don't need him anymore [I haven't played in YEARS], but it's purely a case of out of sight out of mind. The second I see those colorful shapes falling from Tetris heaven it's like we were never were apart.

And that my friends, is my first blog entry. Softball game tonight, I'll update you tomorrow

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