This has been an exceptional day - an exceptional day in that all the bosses are out of the office and I have no impending deadlines! Therefore, it was a long lunch kind of day (taken with my Andrew on the rooftop of Galleries lafayettes in the sun yay!) and a two kind of blog post day. I've been neglecting the blog too much lately so it's time I catch up!.
This one is inspired by Prét à Voyager and I thought it was super cute. For those of you that don't know, Anne writes a great ex-pat blog and she does an illustrated French Lesson once a week or so (see picture). This week's is: Avoir un oeil au beurre noir. I always try to figure out what they are before she translates...and I have to admit this one stumped me, which is quite silly.
With a literal translation of: To have an eye of black butter, or less literally as it means to have a black eye...but I kept focusing on the beurre part and thought it was about cooking. Apparently, it may have come from cooking, something about the butter changing color when the egg is ready. Anywho, now you know!
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