I was in CVS yesterday and a seemingly normal guy [surfer looking, blond, tan, probably in his early 20s] was wearing a skirt! well a kilt. At first I just thought they were boarder shorts and then I looked closer. This corduroy 'kilt' had cargo pockets, went just below his knees and had a couple of ill-placed pleats. PLEATS! And then I noticed the brand name 'utilikilt.' I decided I need to research this further.
Turns out they are a UK company with a mission of "...pioneering a comfortable alternative to trousers by producing "Men's Unbifurcated Garments" (MUG's). " I'm pretty sure they pulled that Un-word out of their ass. To get the full story go here.
To wet your appetite, here's a pic:

It's better then ruining a $500. Kilt. Society has had these for hundereds of years, they are comfortable and useful. Scots, Irish, Romans, Greeks, etc have worn either Kilts or garments very close to them. Besides pants aren't that comfortable , no matter what you make them out of.
I've no problems with the Utilikilt either and would love to have one or two of their Mocker model.
I've worn simple kilts before and the Mocker is a bit better looking, being the modern incarnation of the classic kilt.
Having seen the back of the Utilikilt makes it seem a bit less desirable though. Those pleats do seem a bit off :/ Thanks for the picture.
I guess I'd be better off making my own kilt again. Shouldn't be much of a problem :)
I don't necessarily have a problem. For thousands of years, people wore robes and skirts and such. The only bifrucated garments were used as underwear. I only have a problem when the skirt is girly looking.
Utlikilt is a Seattle company,
I have three UK's, They give my boys freedom. And are very cool.
My wife, my mother and many people men and women have gave me positive comments. I have had lots of women ask what I am wearing underneath and several have reached under to feel for themselves.
I wear them horseback riding, on my Harley, Sailing, Chopping wood and in wind storms.
Check their web site out.
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