Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Beer Ad: Sexist or am I oversensitive?

Peroni, an italian beer, is currently running an ad in Italy that has a woman in a horse and carriage trying to parallel park. Then it flashes forward 100 years and it has another woman trying to parallel park, with men laughing at her while drinking Peroni with the tagline like some things never change, drink Peroni. [for a better description go here ]

A group of women lawyers in Italy are outraged by this ad calling it discriminatory and are suing the company. One blogger on adfreak.com said in so many words that this was a big exaggeration and that if these women saw any American beer ads, the ads would have never aired. I don't agree with this statement. American beer ads may objectify women, may show them half naked, but I feel like they never make women feel stupid or discriminatory. [maybe this is just me?]

This ad peeves me for two reasons:
-It is a sweeping statement that women can't parallel park, are bad drivers and are technically "stupid." If it was making fun of one woman and not stereotyping women, that would be more okay with me.
-Having men making fun of her is not appropriate. If they had two guys and a girl making fun of her that would be different.

I think the premise is kind of funny [someone trying to parallel park a carriage? that's unique] but the execution is lacking.


Anonymous said...

I think it is funny, bc the chick is blond.

Anonymous said...

I think it is funny, bc the chick is blond.

Anonymous said...

I think it is funny, bc the chick is blond.