So one of my favorite blogger friends (err I guess we're real friends, right kimmie? pretty please?) has a thing for ginger boys. (For a good read, find out why here or to learn about her amazing ginger see here) Why am I telling you this? Stick with me...
I was riding my bike home (yep! I did!) and I almost crashed trying to stop and take a picture of this bill board (all in the name of cultural research...for kimmie of course):
After being honked at twice, I had the bright idea to continue riding and just look for it on the internets later. So it turns out 'carrotte' is the French translation of ginger and this billboard, which is purposefully vague, is an ad for a dating website called (or Oh those Frenchies and their senses of humors. Here is what happens when you google the campaign:
"The red is a rare species endangered, too often stigmatized, the site helps them AdopteUnMec and offers girls to put their prejudices sides and do a good deed by adopting a "strawberry blonde"....
Turns out making fun of gingers transcends cultural boundaries and is even a thing in France! :)
Oooooooh my god!!!! I am a big fan of this concept!!! I would adopt a whole mess of gingers! And yes, Linds, we are friends!!
I love thinking of you making a scene trying to take a pic! love it and you!
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