Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Studio 60: Major Yawnfest

So I watched Studio 60 last night and was actually optimistic since last week's episode was pretty good [but not good enough to blog about apparently, I'm still skeptic]. Maybe because I had such *high* hopes [actually, my hopes were about as high as my shin] Studio 60 was doomed to fail. Either way, they crashed and burned.

Mistake #1: They spent a lot of time around my least liked character Harriet Hays. She sucks and is completely unbelievable: see post "And I think I'm done with Studio 60."

Mistake #2: Hariett's last line was "You knock my socks off" to Matthew Perry. At which point I made uncontrollable vomiting noises and started throwing things at the TV. Andrew's response was "That's so something she would say, it's very appropriate." My response: "That's exactly why I hate her." WHO SAYS THAT? Other than, say my grandmother circa 1980 no one should be knocking any one socks off. She just should have stayed quiet.

Mistake #3: Very unfunny skits. Again.

Mistake #4: Nothing happened. I like the reporter gal, but us uncovering boring details about Hariett does NOT make an episode. I need something dramatic, something more, Actually ANYTHING. Last week's episode was good because we thought they fucked up and that was quasi-intriguing. Like I was saying to Andrew last night, the difference between this show and The West Wing is that in a presidential office there's a lot of stuff that can happen, say wars, elections, sex scandals. I'm sure a lot can happen on the set of SNL but they sure aren't showing it.

So I know the question in your mind is are you going to keep watching Studio 60? The answer, unfortunately is yes. Well at least until 24 starts up again at the same time slot in January. And then Jack Bauer is going to KILL Studio 60. There's only 1 show with numbers on the title on Monday and that's 24.

On a side note, Heroes is my new favorite show. I will blog about it later in the week, but it's SO GOOD. If you aren't watching it, check out nbc.com and get caught up yo!


Anonymous said...

I stopped recording and watching Studio 60 three weeks ago. I gave the show its chance for four weeks, and although I was bored after the first episode, I thought that it could get better. No, it didn't! A show like cannot be good on primetime on NBC in a 52 minute format. Only on HBO can a show about showbiz be totally free and have a real tone. Of course, if you are trying to please the entire US (and International) audience, you make so many compromises that in the end it becomes boring... The show's creators tried to include romance, showbizz, comedy, suspense, but in the end this is just a missed opportunity to copy Entourage. I would say pull the show off NBC, make it shorter, get rid of the lame romances, spice it up, develop the characters and you could get something because you have a great cast.

On the contrary, 30 Rock is funny and definitely original. Thums up to Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin!

Lindsay C said...

I agree, HBO would take this show to the next level. And I never thought about the length being the issue, but you make a really good point. Although entourage always leaves me wanting more [maybe that's the point?] I also enjoy 30 rock, but my TV watching schedule is so full right now that it has been pushed to the wayside. How do you feel about NBC giving Studio 60 the go for an entire season? I've heard that even West Wing was pretty lame in its first run. . .thoughts?